Integrate Built-in Side-Channel and Fault Injection Attack Protection
Even Into Your Existing System-on-Chip
FortiCrypt IP Cores are prebuilt cells of cryptographic modules that can be integrated into your system-on-chip (SoC) design to mitigate the SoC’s vulnerability to security attacks. FortiCrypt IP cores are protected against side-channel attacks and fault injection attacks, such as Differential Power Analysis Attacks, Electromagnetic Emission Analysis Attacks, Differential Fault Attack, Statistical Ineffective Fault attack and others. Side-channel attacks can extract cryptographic keys from target hardware — thus making the hardware unsecure — by analyzing its power consumption or electromagnetic emission. Fault injection attacks can extract keys by injecting functional faults into the hardware and observing the behavior.
By adding FortiCrypt IP Cores to an SoC you may reduce or eliminate the SCA (including Fault Injection) threat without spending the time, money, and effort to analyze and modify your SoC design.
FortifyIQ offers a new generation of products, protected against SCA and FIA, which utilize purely algorithmic, implementation-agnostic algorithms.